!!!没等到假毛,居然等来到了儿子的砖!!快递包装的好简陋,就在担心这么遥远的路途不会有啥问题吧,一拆开CD前后盒都裂了啊啊啊!我付了0.5欧的加固费用的啊TT-TT还好里面的碟没问题……马上拿justin.T啥啥的壳子换了一下OTL在音响里放出来效果果真更赞。欧版的还有bonus track,不过小肥是现场帝,我居然觉得现场不插电dtrh比CD的好听OTL还没到一年就出了1张专辑2张单曲billboardTop10,我果真没追错人=///=今年的美偶好无趣= =西蒙大叔居然预测今年的冠军是adam,不知道他是思维混乱了还是还停留在第八级还是想间接奉承小肥XDDDDDDDDDDD估计KRIS会超郁闷= =
靠 咱是卖毛的又不是做慈善的,怎么愣是有人借毛……WTF!
回来了OTL 为什么发现AJ的london里面的背景音好像BEE的video phone......
鹰潭宿舍的电脑屏幕,于是儿子一直就这么骚包XD还有儿子用的指甲油的某个牌子和某个颜色XD手机拍的好模糊= =
然后期待IIHY的MV,衣服还丢,丢丢丢,丢丢丢丢丢~~~~~~还有glam nation的槑国巡演TAT
There is so much more to this guy than who he's freaking. Yet still so many assholes want to take him down. Whether it be you think he is closeted, fat, has a bad complexion, etc.
He went through hell. He was chunky, then bulimic & anorexic, on meds for his acne, was turned down for several parts, had his heart broken (no, not by me), yet continued to be OUT, pursue his dreams, and continue to have faith in himself despite all this crap. He went out to perform every freaking night he could, auditioned tirelessly, made demos, had meetings, and worked his ass off to succeed. He'd take every performance gig he could, paid or unpaid, just so he could continue to do his thing.
In between, he worked retail and never complained once - because he knew that night, he'd be up on a stage somewhere. Maybe it was a tiny stage and only 20 people would be there, but he didn't care.
Thankfully he has an amazing family and great friends.
And you all have the freaking NERVE to trash the guy. It sickens me.
by: Mr F reply 58 04/19/09 @14:10